Fence Installation Contractors White Bear Township, MN

Getting a Fence in White Bear Township, MN

Restrictions and limitations will appear when preparing for any fence installation in White Bear Township. When you make the important decision to construct a barrier, find a fence that will meet every standard, but still give you the look you desire.

Confidence in this process comes with the knowledge of all of the frequently asked questions.

Do I need my property pins exposed?

Can I build my fence on an easement?

What are the requirements of installing a fence around a swimming pool (above ground and in ground)?

Where can I place my fence on the property?

What should I do if I live on a corner lot?

Do I need to notify my neighbors when getting a fence?

What is the good neighbor rule and does it apply for my fence?

Do I need a fence permit?

Who calls the utilities when installing my fence?

Do I need a survey before installing a fence?

What is the height restrictions on a fence?

Are there any design restrictions?

How do I choose a fence?

Know Your Property

Before any construction occurs you must know the property lines. Each lot will come with variable circumstances to follow, so be sure to know your land before making concrete plans. Public property, easements, and utilities are important to understand in relation to appropriate distancing.

Do I need my property pins exposed?

Expose the property pins prior to Northland Fence coming in for the the fence installation in White Bear Township. These are at the corners of a lot, and show the boundaries of the property. Missing or damaged metal stakes need to be replaced by a Certified Surveyor.

Can I install a boundary fence?

Shared fences on the property line between two neighbor are called boundary fences. These barriers are only legal when perched by an agreement between the two neighbors. Construction costs are split, and any further aftercare will be outlined in the compromise.

Can I build my fence on an easement?

Fences should not be placed on easements if they will prevent proper work or access to the area. Even if a fence placed near or on an easement is approved via your permit, damages or removal that occur due to rightful use of the easement will be the sole responsibility of the owner.

Where can I place my fence on the property?

Fences may be placed up to the property line as long as it is entirely on the owner’s property. If neighbors sign an agreement prior to the permit application, a shared boundary fence may be built directly on the property line. When plotting your fence location you will need to avoid areas such as wetlands or water drainage and public rights of way. Your fence should not encroach on any neighboring property.

Know Your Neighbors

No matter what you wish to construct on your land, a new installation should be open to all around it. There is protocol to follow if you need help from a neighbor. Do not treat neighbors disrespectfully, it will never produce a healthy thriving community. Erecting fences out of spite that are unsightly are also banned.

Do I need to notify my neighbors when getting a fence?

Fences on your property alone do not need to be common knowledge. Still let others know so no tension comes when the fence is erected. Always gain permission to use a different land owners property for construction, and if your fence will need attached to one of their barriers.

What is the good neighbor rule and does it apply for my fence?

Any structures on your land, including fences, need to be in excellent shape for you to be considered a ‘Good Neighbor.’ Maintenance is not just a courtes, it is required by the city and is for more than appearance-sake. Fences with large cracks, warping, and other distortions are dangerous for the community as a whole.

What are the requirements of installing a fence around a swimming pool (above ground and in ground)?

A safety fence will be required around the perimeter of the pool with a height no less than 48 inches. All gates that access the pool area must be equipped with self latching and closing mechanisms and must also be locked when the area is unsupervised. If the latch is located less than 54 inches from the ground, it must also be on the inside of the gate to prevent unsupervised access by children.

The gap at the bottom should be no more than 2 inches or 4 inches if the ground beneath is finished, such as concrete. Any other openings in the fence design should not be greater than 1 ¾ inches, unless only vertical slats are used, gaps may be up to 4 inches.

Know The Details

That first moment of breaking ground is exhilarating, but hold off on any actual construction until the fine details are all sorted out. Documentation of your land plot, and fence layout can be necessary, and the application process can differ depending on your property.

Do I need a fence permit?

Fence permits are always required to construct a new fence in White Bear Township. You will need to turn in two copies of a site plan that accurately depict your property boundaries, existing structures, and projected fence location. This will also include a footing inspection during construction and a final inspection after. Property pins will need to be exposed during inspections.

Who calls the utilities when installing my fence?

Your property may have underground utility lines running where you plan to build, these areas will need to be marked to avoid damages. The company responsible for this is Gopher State One. Whether it is a contractor or a DIY home owner, the installer takes on the liability for potential damages and will need to contact Gopher State One to mark utility locations.

Do I need a survey before installing a fence?

Your fence permit application will require two copies of a site plan but it does not have to be a certified survey. However, a survey is the best way to create a precise site plan with accurate measurements. A surveyor may be necessary if property lines cannot be located.

I live on a corner lot. How far do I need to be away from the curb when installing a fence?

Prospective fence owners on corner lots must follow additional regulations due to the traffic safety triangle on their property. This area limits fences to only 3 feet and is measured 20 feet along each curb line from the point they intersect, connected through the lot. This is a required safety measure for the vision of approaching drivers.

What should I do if I live on a corner lot?

On a corner lot, both yards that abut a road are considered the front and will have to comply with front yard setback requirements. This is required to allow proper sight lines for drivers approaching the intersection.

Know The Appearance

Pride is a side-effect of the proper construction of a sightly fence. The look of this structure can have limits on it, just like those placed on the entire process. The material a barrier is made of, and how tall it is, will depict its safety.

What is the height restrictions on a fence?

Fences in the front yard may reach up to 48 inches, but into the side and rear yards, the limit is increased to 6 feet. Additional height may be permitted if neighboring lots are non-residential.

Are there any design restrictions?

Fences should be constructed in such a way that the finished side of the fence faces the street or adjacent properties. Designs must use durable weather resistant materials and be sturdy enough to withstand anticipated wind loads. Potentially dangerous designs such as electric or barbed wire fences a strictly prohibited for residential lots in White Bear Township.

Owners are also required to perform regular required maintenance in order to keep the structure both safe and visually appealing.

How do I choose a fence?

Fence can solve many problems in your lifestyle or on your property. A barrier can only continue to do this for years to come if it is made of a durable material. While searching for the right fence to complete the home’s design, or keep an animal contained, always think of its longevity.

Vinyl fencing can be a cost-efficient alternative to wood because of its pvc composition that can last double the time of a wooden fence. The colors and styles vary, so ask about the vinyl selection at Northland Fence for weathering-resistant, beautiful choices.

It’s The Law

There are negative effects to not abiding by the many rules of conduct for fence installation in White Bear Township. You could be victim to fines, the city coud deconstruct the fence and charge you for it, or you could have to pay for relocation. Avoid all of these worries by taking the regulations seriously.

It's the Law

Understanding how to properly and legally install your fence is the beginning step in the entire process. While it is not as fun as choosing colors or designs, laws must be considered. Follow the specific regulations for the White Bear Lake community and choose a quality fence for a successful installation experience.

Find out why our fence company is Minnesota’s highest reviewed!