Fence Installation Contractors Wayzata, MN

Getting a Fence in Wayzata, MN

Choosing a design that is complementary is one step of the entire construction process. Rules for fence installation in Wayzata exist and they are composed of safety guidelines that need followed exactly.

Many of these frequently asked questions could solve any issues you are worried about during selecting and building a barrier.

Do I need my property pins exposed?

Can I install a boundary fence?

Can I build my fence on an easement?

Where can I place my fence on the property?

Do I need to notify my neighbors when getting a fence?

What is the good neighbor rule and does it apply for my fence?

Is your neighbor required to pay for a sharing fence line?

Are there any special requirements in your HOA, Covenants, Subdivision?

Do I need a fence permit?

Who calls the utilities when installing my fence?

Do I need a survey before installing a fence?

What are the requirements of installing a fence around a swimming pool (above ground and in ground)?

I live on a corner lot. How far do I need to be away from the curb when installing a fence?

What is the height restrictions on a fence?

Are there any design restrictions?

How do I choose a fence?

Know Your Property

Without breaking land laws, your fence should be places close to the border of your land. This location will differ depending on your property and setback guidelines in your city. Find out the exact boundaries of your land, even know when and how to uncover property pins.

Do I need my property pins exposed?

Expose all property stakes prior to fence installation in Wayzata. This is a simple way to should the fence will not be built on another’s property.

Find all of these metal rods in the corners of the lot (with as metal detector or large magnet.) Over time these can even deteriorate or have been through trauma in the past. They are fixed and replaced by a Professional Surveyor.

Can I build my fence on an easement?

Easements are areas that may need to be accessed by the city for uses such as utility maintenance. Any damage that occurs to a fence preventing or interfering with required use of an easement will be at the expense of the owner.

Can I install a boundary fence?

Neighbors can join together to build a shared fence. The costs will be split and the fence can serve both their needs. Boundary fences cannot be built if both parties are not in agreement. Even if a fence is on the property line that neither has constructed, it still needs maintained by both parties.

Where can I place my fence on the property?

Property owners are responsible for locating property lines while plotting their fence location to ensure the structure is placed fully within their boundaries. Fences may not be located over or on top of the property line without written consent from the neighboring property owner prior to construction. Areas such as easements, public rights of way, wetlands or natural water drainage, should never be obstructed by a fence. Property owners are also responsible for following traffic visibility regulations at driveways or traffic intersections.

Know Your Neighbors

Unexpected fences are not the best thing to emerge in a community. This can cause hostility, especially if the fence is unsightly. In many situations you do need to receive some sort of approval from your neighbors.

Do I need to notify my neighbors when getting a fence?

All bordering property owners should be notified of construction, but that is not in the laws for the city. This eases tension before it emerges. You must gain permission from other property owners if their land is needed for the fence installation in Wayzata, or if it is parative to hook the fence up to their.

What is the good neighbor rule and does it apply for my fence?

The definition of the Good Neighbor Rule is to keep your property safe and appealing through steady maintenance. This needs to include your new fence. Always care for all structures owned so their value increases and reflects this onto the entire neighborhood.

Be a good neighbor when it comes to boundary fences, as well. It is the responsibility of both property owners to maintain this structure fairly, according to their agreement.

Is your neighbor required to pay for a sharing fence line?

A run-down fence that neither neighbor has built, but is on the shared property line, still needs cared for, or replaced, by both of these land owners.

When erecting a new boundary fence, know there is a process to go through, but both parties need to be in full agreement in the need and construction of the barrier.

Know The Details

Obtaining a permit from the city for this new addition on your property is not difficult, once you go over the standards in detail. There is usually a fee for submitting it and you will want to know any paperwork that needs submitted with it.

Do I need a fence permit?

A fence permit must be acquired before beginning the construction process on your property. Your permit application will need to include a site plan which accurately describes your property as well as the location and design of your fence. Property owners will need to locate property pins prior to their application by using a certificate of survey.

Who calls the utilities when installing my fence?

The chance of encountering underground utility lines during construction is daunting. Call Gopher State One before digging so you can learn every area to leave be. Northland Fence is responsible for this when they are the contracted fencing company in Wayzata.

Do I need a survey before installing a fence?

A new survey is only required if there is not already a certificate of survey on file or property pins cannot be located. A certified surveyor will be required to replace missing or broken pins. The survey is required to define the individual variables of your property, the exact property boundaries, and existing structures or significant foliage.

What are the requirements of installing a fence around a swimming pool (above ground and in ground)?

A fence no less than 5 feet in height must completely surround the pool area as an additional safety measure. Gates accessing the area must be equipped with locks when not in use. All gates should also close on their own and have latches located at the top of the gate or in another location out of reach of children. The fence must also be of an impassable design, meaning it does not have any climbable footholds or any gaps greater than 4 inches.

I live on a corner lot. How far do I need to be away from the curb when installing a fence?

Corner lot owners will have to consider the sight visibility triangle when plotting a fence location. No fences may be placed in a triangular area located at the intersection of curb lines, measured 30 feet along each curb and connected diagonally through the lot. This area is necessary to allow proper vision for drivers at the intersection.

What should I do if I live on a corner lot?

Corner lot owners should first know, both yards that abut a street are considered the front yard and will have to comply with those regulations or be setback at least 30 feet. Corner lots also include a sight triangle located at the property corner, measured 20 feet down along each property line. No fence can be constructed in this area to allow proper sight lines for drivers approaching the intersection.

Know The Appearance

Style is a given when searching for the perfect fence for a property. Color schemes are important for cohesiveness, but these could be further restricted by you covenant or subdivision. Know the the city regulates important safety appearance expectations, including height and material.

What is the height restrictions on a fence?

Fences in the front yard setback of your home must be no more than 42 inches and no more than 50% solid. In the rear or side property, behind the front face of the home, fences may break one of these rules but not both. This means side and rear fences may have either a fence up to 6 feet that is only 50% solid, or a more solid design which may reach up to 42 inches.

Are there any design restrictions?

Fences should always be constructed using quality weather resistant materials in a safe professional and visually pleasing manner. Owners will also have to keep the structure maintained to the same standard. The finished face of the fence should face outward, with the structural supports on the inside.

Restricted designs include barbed wire, electrical fences, and otherwise unsafe designs. Potential fence owners should check with local homeowners association or neighborhood guidelines which may define a neighborhood theme.

How do I choose a fence?

Pick a fence that serves your land to the best of its abilities. A vinyl privacy fence is appropriate to house and pool or even give seclusion to a backyard. There are even picket options that have the classic home-sweet-home feel. Before your fence installation in Wayzata know that your purchase reflects your need for a barrier and aligns with guidelines accordingly.

It’s The Law

Fence installation in Wayzata can become a smooth process if all regulations are fully abided by. Guidance is available at Northland Fence where durable vinyl fencing, ornamental steel, and chain link are available for fence construction in Minnesota. This fencing company is top-rated throughout the state and are dedicated to show all of their future customers why.

It's the Law

Understanding how to properly and legally install your fence is the beginning step in the entire process. While it is not as fun as choosing colors or designs, laws must be considered. Follow the specific regulations for the Wayzata community and choose a quality fence for a successful installation experience.

Find out why our fence company is Minnesota’s highest reviewed!