Fence Installation Contractors Shorewood, MN

Getting a Fence in Shorewood, MN

The paperwork and details involved in fence installation in Shorewood cannot be overlooked. You can only be fully prepared by understanding all regulations associated with barriers and construction in your specific City. Certain neighborhoods could even have these particular standards as well.

It can all begin with asking yourself important questions about your need of a barrier and making your intended fence meet all standards.

Do I need my property pins exposed?

Can I build my fence on an easement?

What are the requirements of installing a fence around a swimming pool (above ground and in ground)?

Where can I place my fence on the property?

Do I need to notify my neighbors when getting a fence?

What is the good neighbor rule and does it apply for my fence?

Do I need a fence permit?

Who calls the utilities when installing my fence?

Do I need a survey before installing a fence?

What is the height restrictions on a fence?

Are there any design restrictions?

How do I choose a fence?

Know Your Property

Land lines can be confusing if you are not familiar with the property. Find the important locational information in deeds, neighbor knowledge, or even by contracting a Professional Surveyor. These boundaries are relevant to legal fence placement.

Do I need my property pins exposed?

The metal stakes in each corner of your lot are called property pins and need uncovered when Northland Fence comes to begin the fence installation in Shorewood. These can easily be found with a metal detector. Certified Surveyors are capable to replace all missing or broken markers.

Property pins also need to be apparent during the final inspection from the city.

Can I build my fence on an easement?

Easements on your property must remain accessible when needed. Fences should be planned around areas such as fire hydrants, utility access, and public trails or rights of way. If a fence interferes with proper use of, or access to, an easement area, it may be removed at the expense of the owner.

Where can I place my fence on the property?

Fences need to be placed fully within the boundaries of the owner’s property lines. A fence may be built directly on the property line with the written consent of the neighboring property owner. No fence should be built within three feet of another existing fence, even on the neighboring property, in order to allow proper maintenance of both. Fences should also be placed not to interfere with public rights of way, easements, or natural water drainage.

What are the requirements of installing a fence around a swimming pool (above ground and in ground)?

Fences are required around swimming pools to restrict access from the street or neighboring properties. This fence should fully enclose the pool area with a height of at least 4 feet. Any gates should be kept locked when not in use and have self closing hinges and latches installed. A design that is resistant to climbing is required, this means there should be foot holds or passable gaps.

Know Your Neighbors

When planning construction on your land, include neighbors in the early stages so the community can have no hard feelings. Never build a fence simply out of spite,there are even laws that protect neighborhood from these types of unsightly structures.

Do I need to notify my neighbors when getting a fence?

No laws require property owners to tell others of their pending fence installation in Shorewood, but it is courteous to do so. Ge permission from fellow property owners if you would like to build your fence attached to theirs, and even if you need to use their land during the building process.

Shared fences are a different deal entirely and can only happen when two parties are completely on the same page and intend to share costs and aftercare of the fence.

What is the good neighbor rule and does it apply for my fence?

Respect your neighbors and the community by holding your property to high standards. When the fence, or any structure on your land, was built, you made a commitment to keep it in good condition. This is the Good Neighbor Rule.

Also be a good neighbor by doing your share in taking care of a boundary fence. If anything needs to happen with the fence, beyond regular maintenance, talk about it with the joint-owner.

Know The Details

Most cities need to approve your decision to erect a fence on your property. They’ll need to review all the important information on your land and the fence you’ve chosen, so keep all information at hand. Always think of the utilities underground as well.

Do I need a fence permit?

To construct, or replace a fence on any lot, a permit is needed. The application can be printed from online and will need additional information like your site plan, and details on the new structure. This includes the height and material used. Once you are approved and build your barrier, a final inspection is needed. Schedule this by calling (651)490-4681.

Who calls the utilities when installing my fence?

Contact Gopher State One to find all utility line locations before any ground-breaking occurs. DIY installations require this from the property owner, but it can also be completed by Northland Fence once contracted for the fence installation in Shorewood.

Do I need a survey before installing a fence?

A survey is not always required, but may be needed to properly define your exact property lines. Having a certified surveyor may also be the best way to create the accurate site plan for your application. When a surveyor visits your property they will be able to inform you of any variances on your property that may have their own additional restrictions.

Know The Appearance

Safety is the reason behind many restrictions on the look of a fence. Know the prohibited materials and heights for the well-being of the entire neighborhood. There are many handsome fences that can complete the aesthetic of your land without forsaking safety.

What is the height restrictions on a fence?

Back yards and inner side lots can have fences up to 6 feet tall. Front yards need to have fences shorter to protect traffic vision. The maximum height for front yards is 4 feet.

Are there any design restrictions?

All fences should be built using durable materials and a sturdy design. The structure should always be kept in a safely maintained to a condition that it does not become an eyesore. Make sure that posts and supports are located on the inside of the fence and the finished side faces the public. Electric or barbed wire fences are considered too dangerous for residential areas and will not be allowed.

How do I choose a fence?

Choosing a fence will take some careful consideration to find the perfect fit for your home. Think of why you want the fence, this might be to add privacy or just a little style. One of the most important elements of your design choice will be material. Materials make the biggest difference in price, durability, ease of installation and possible aesthetic qualities. Be sure to double check that your design choice meets the requirements of city ordinances and local HOA guidelines before investing in materials to avoid additional hassle.

It’s The Law

Keeping the restrictions in mind when finding a perfectly complementary fence will make for a process free of stress. Even put the fence installation in Shorewood in Northland Fence’s hands, so they can show you why they are the top-rated fencing company in Minnesota.

It's the Law

Understanding how to properly and legally install your fence is the beginning step in the entire process. While it is not as fun as choosing colors or designs, laws must be considered. Follow the specific regulations for the Shorewood community and choose a quality fence for a successful installation experience.

Find out why our fence company is Minnesota’s highest reviewed!