Fence Installation Contractors Richfield, MN

Getting a Fence in Richfield, MN

Do not jump into the investment of purchasing a fence without know the regulation placed on barriers. The rules will be similar across the state of Minnesota, but there are specific restrictions for fence installation in Richfield, MN.

Understand all of the answers to commonly asked questions about the process and follow them accordingly.

Know Your Property

The placement of your fence could very well depend on the boundaries of your land, but also if there are other structures that could come in the way of a safe placement, construction could be halted. Look for all of the ways you must examine your land.

Do I need my property pins exposed?

To prove construction will be limited to your land alone, have all property states visible before Northland Fence begins the fence installation in Richfield. To fine these look in each corner of the lot (or where you believe this to be) and have a metal detector hand to find exact positioning.

Can I install a boundary fence?

A boundary fence is one built precisely on the property line and is shared between neighbors. Since ownership is shared, neighbors will need a written agreement that outlines construction and maintenance responsibilities, including labor and costs. This agreement will need to be in place before construction and updated if a new neighbor moves into either property.

Can I build my fence on an easement?

Though easements usually remain unaccessed, they must be kept accessible at all times if they are needed. Your fence should never block an easement, those that do may be subject to removal. This includes, sewer or electrical access and fire hydrants. Additionally, fences should be a minimum of 3 feet from public rights of way.

Where can I place my fence on the property?

Fences may be placed up to, but not on, the the property line. Keep in mind, the property line is not the same as the curb line, there is usually a 12 to 14 foot setback. Your fence should be at least 3 feet from the nearest public right of way and should never block natural water drainage, or easements.

Know Your Neighbors

A cohesive neighborhood is produced by fluid communication. Keeping all parties happy in a community can be difficult, but try not to add to any tension by constructing an unsightly fence, or failing to take care of it after it is perched.

Do I need to notify my neighbors when getting a fence?

Neighbors should be notified if you will need to enter their property in order to install or perform maintenance on your fence, to avoid unnecessary conflict. Otherwise, you are not required inform your neighbor of construction going on at your property, but notifying them of construction dates is considered courteous.

What is the good neighbor rule and does it apply for my fence?

Property maintenance is a serious matter and how well you take care of your home, and structures surrounding it, will play a part in how the neighborhood is viewed. Keep your fence up to standards, so there are no safety concerns and it does not become an eyesore.

Know The Details

Before fence installation in Richfield, have prior knowledge of the basic expectations of the process of applying for construction. There are technical issues to handle before you can begin digging, and you could have land that falls under special circumstances.

Do I need a fence permit?

A building permit is only required for fences above 6 feet in height, which is the limit for residential lots. This means a prospective fence owner is fully responsible for researching and adhering to codes.

Who calls the utilities when installing my fence?

Gopher State One is the company responsible for accurately locating and marking the location of underground utility lines. The installer of the fence will need to contact Gopher State One prior to digging in order to avoid potential damages. DIY installer will need to do this themselves, while professional installers will handle it themselves.

Do I need a survey before installing a fence?

Since a permit is not required for the average fence, neither will a survey. However, having a certified surveyor visit your property is the best way to accurately define property boundaries and discover individualities of your property that may need special attention.

What should I do if I live on a corner lot?

Corner lot fences must comply with visual safety codes for drivers approaching the intersection. A sight triangle is formed at the projected intersection of curb lines, 30 feet from this point down each curb line and connected diagonally through the lot. The sight triangle limits fences to a maximum of 3 feet above the curb line.

Know The Appearance

Style and value can be added to your property with a complimentary fence. While finding a barrier you love, find one that will also meet the appearance limitations placed on fence installation in Richfield. It can even be purvitive to contact your HOA for any further guidelines for your covenant/subdivision.

What is the height restrictions on a fence?

The maximum height allowance in the front setback of your home is 4 feet. For the side or back portions of your lot, a fence may reach up to 6 feet. Richfield’s height regulations are based on the body of the fence, posts are not included and may extend up to 6 inches above the height limit.

Are there any design restrictions?

Dangerous designs are strictly prohibited in residential districts, this includes electrictrified fences or those with sharp points like barbed wire. Fences must be constructed of durable all weather materials which are intended for such a purpose. You fence should also be placed in such a way that the supports face inwards and the finished side is towards the public. If you chose a chain link design, be sure it it includes a top rail and any sharp ends are pointed towards the ground. Fences of any kind should always be kept reasonably maintained.

How do I choose a fence?

Use this fence purchase to reflect the use of the intended structure. Us wise decision making to make the difficult choice of material. Designs that often seem ultimately appealing, can have a hard time lasting through harsh weather. Vinyl fencing is a durable and color-fading resistant fence which comes in multiple styles. Some of the hues will even replicate the look of wood.

It’s The Law

A compilation of all necessary fence documentation will save you time when applying for your permit, and always make you comfortable in the knowledge you have of your land. If the entire process proves too difficult to follow, always know there is wise guidance and competent Richfield fence installations at Northland Fence.

It's the Law

Understanding how to properly and legally install your fence is the beginning step in the entire process. While it is not as fun as choosing colors or designs, laws must be considered. Follow the specific regulations for the Richfield community and choose a quality fence for a successful installation experience.

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