How to Use Fencing as a Way to Maximize Your Property Privacy

Fencecontractor Installation Lakeville Mn

Most people don’t like being watched by their neighbors. You undoubtedly bought your home so you could enjoy your yard without curious eyes watching your every move. If your nosy neighbors are driving you crazy, it’s probably time to build a privacy fence. A well planned, designed, and constructed , a metal privacy fence will enhance the enjoyment of your property and improve your privacy. Here are some tips on how to use fencing as a way to maximize your property privacy.


The first part of any fencing project is planning. Planning involves things such as jurisdiction requirements, where to place your fences, the height, who is going to build it, and the type of design that will bring you the most privacy. Proper planning will help you resolve the problem without wasting your money and time.

Your nearest county office can confirm the setback requirements for your property. It might be as simple as making a phone call. They will also tell you if you need a building a permit. If you have a home owner’s association, you should also check with them for any specific regulations on fencing.

Find out from the county and home owner’s association the height restrictions on a fence and be careful not to exceed it. Also, ask if there are any requirements for materials. Some HOAs may require fences in a neighborhood be made of similar materials.

Finding your property lines might not be as simple, but it’s critical that you take the time to know before you build. The last thing you want is to build your fence on the neighbor’s property. It could lead to conflict or even a lawsuit.

There are many ways to locate your property lines. The deed to your home should contain a legal description and map of your property. You should also check with your county office to see if they may have a previous survey of your property. If they don’t, and you aren’t clear where your property lines are, consider hiring a surveyor to mark your property lines before you begin.

Lastly, it’s probably a good idea to discuss your fence with your neighbors before you build. They might know where the property lines are, and they may have some ideas or concerns that you didn’t consider.


There are many important things to consider when designing a privacy fence for your yard. The height, type of materials, and general style are the most important issues. When it comes to a privacy fence, a solid design is ideal, but if there are areas where vegetarian enhances privacy naturally, a solid fence may not be necessary since the vegetarian blocks any prying eyes.

When choosing materials, vinyl or composite fencing may last longer and be easier to maintain, but it’s not as strong as wood. You should also consider the typical weather conditions where you live. If you often experience strong winds or lots of snow, you’ll need to build a more robust fence.

You should also think about how many gates you will need on your fence and where to place them. Think about how you’ll access the backyard for mowing or with a wheelbarrow. Most people put a gate close to the man-door of their garage. It’s also a common practice to make one section of a fence removable so that if heavy machinery ever needs to enter your yard or heaps of materials needs dumped, you have easier access.


When it comes to construction, the biggest issue is who you will hire to build it. Make sure you choose a licensed and bonded contractor you can trust to get the job done right.  A professional contractor will carefully explain the process and let you know what to expect regarding time and budget.

A privacy fence will significantly enhance your peace of mind. If you’re thinking about adding a privacy fence to your property you’re much better off putting the planning, design, and construction in the hands of a professional.  We are here to answer all of your questions and help in any way that we can.

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