Dog Run Ideas

Dog Run Fence

Any responsible pet owner knows that puppies crave the outside zoomies. They need the space the outdoors provide to go crazy, stretch their legs, test their speed, and eventually find just the right spot to do their business.

However, it is completely normal to worry about the rest of your yard while your pooch has the zoomies. What if they run in the garden? Dig a hazardous hole in the middle? Can they jump the fence?

Luckily there is a solution to this problem: dog runs! Dog runs give your pet the space they need to run around to their heart’s content while protecting your yard and your wallet from destruction.

Northland Fence has plenty of dog run ideas to help keep your pup safe and sound in your yard. We are ready to give you a free quote and figure out the best dog run fencing for your situation. Give us a call today at (763)-316-4881 to get started!

What Is a Dog Run?

A dog run is simply a dedicated space for your dog outside to do their business, whatever that may be. They can safely run around, roll in the grass, or lay and sunbathe in their designated outdoor space.

Dog runs are a great addition to any home for a multitude of reasons. It will protect the rest of your yard from accidental pup damage. It also means you don’t need to supervise your pet while they are outside, you can trust they are safe in the dog run.

Please keep in mind that dog runs are not meant to be permanent pet houses. They are only meant for temporary usage by the pup. When they get tired, hungry, or thirsty, pups should retreat to the house for nourishment.

Types of Dog Runs

There are two main types of dog runs. When looking at which one to purchase for your pup make sure it fits the needs of the breed. Some dogs can get anxious and act out if they don’t have enough room to run around and get their needed exercise.

Natural Dog Runs

A natural dog run does not necessarily mean giving your dog the whole world to run around. It means you are using earthy resources within the space you give your pup. Whether it’s a grassy pad or some sod, this is the main difference in natural dog runs.

Natural dog runs can be as big or small as you would like, just make sure to customize them to the needs of your pet. This also means they can be enclosed spaces, but don’t necessarily need to be enclosed with a fence, there could be a natural barrier to close it off.

Enclosed Dog Runs

While all dog runs are enclosed, there are many different ways to go about enclosing a safe space for your pup. Most of the time enclosed dog runs are done so by installing a fence around the designated area. However, there are many different types of fences and not all are great for every pup.

As long as you have the right fence and the right amount of space, an enclosed dog run is a great idea for your pet. You won’t have to worry about them getting into the garden or digging holes in the yard. Plus all their potty business is easy cleanup in one area!

Type of Fence to Consider When Planning a Dog Run

There are so many fences to choose from when constructing a dog run. Northland Fence has plenty of dog run ideas to help keep your pup safe and sound in the backyard. From different materials to heights and accessories, these are some of our recommendations of fencing.

Using a Vinyl Fence

Vinyl fencing is a popular choice for anything related to dogs, especially dog runs. They don’t deteriorate like wood fencing so they will last the life of your pup and many more to come.

Vinyl fencing installation and upkeep is super low maintenance. They are easy to clean if your pup likes to dig in the dirt and get muddy paw prints everywhere. All you need is some soapy water and a sponge, the dirt comes right off.

Vinyl fencing is great for any type of dog. There are no gaps between pickets meaning small dogs are contained safely and big dogs can’t run it down and break out. Private vinyl fencing allows your dog the privacy needed to do their business and prevents any stranger hands from reaching them. They also help decrease the security risks for your pup while they are out in the yard.

Using a Wrought Iron Fence

Wrought iron fencing is another popular option for dog runs. Wrought iron is a tough material that can protect especially the bigger dogs that try to push out of their yard space. Many homeowners also choose wrought iron fences for their aesthetic appeal.

However, it is important when looking at wrought iron fences to be careful of the tops that you pick. While sharp or pointed tops like those in ornamental fence installation may seem like they will deter dogs from jumping, this is not always the case. Instead, dogs can get severely injured if they do attempt to jump out and land on the top instead.

It is best to always go for a flat rail top and increase the height of the wrought iron fence to deter successful jump escapes. This will decrease the injuries of your pet and increase their safety in your yard.

Using a Chain-link Fence

Chain-link is one of the most affordable materials for dog run fences. It is durable, low-maintenance and often includes a flat rail top to make it sturdier and prevent dogs from pushing out. You can also look into privacy chain link fences to help with this too.

A chain-link privacy fence does all the basics that a dog run fence needs, meaning it mainly keeps your dog in their space. But it is not a completely closed fence and dogs can easily get hurt if there is wire sticking out or rough edges. This is why it’s important to get your fences installed by a trustworthy company to protect your pup.

Having Your Fence Install by Northland Fence

Northland Fence is one of the top fencing companies in Minnesota. And while you can take our word for it, our hundreds of 5 star Google reviews continue to uphold this claim. We value our customer satisfaction, and, with dog runs, the satisfaction of the dog!

Our installation includes a driven fence post process so that our fences last the test of time and stand up to inclement Minnesota weather. And with our 15-year warranty, if there is ever a problem with the installation, we come and fix it free of charge.

With dog run fences it’s important to make sure that you have a trustworthy company installing the protection fences. Otherwise pets can get hurt or yards could get ruined. Our Northland Fence staff is ready to meet your pups and help you decide which fence is the best for the dog run of their dreams. Call us today to start the process of finding the best way of protecting your pup and your yard!

Northland Fence has plenty of dog run ideas to help keep your pup safe and sound in your yard. We are ready to give you a free quote and figure out the best dog run fencing for your situation. Give us a call today at (763)-316-4881 to get started!

Northland Fence installation

FAQs About Dog Run Ideas

What is the best place for a dog run?

It all depends on your situation and what you have available. For many home owners the best space is the side yard between the house and the boundary fence. Really it’s any real estate that is otherwise not used and can be designated for the pup to do what they do best: dig, run, and poop.

What needs to be considered when building a dog run?

The biggest consideration to have when building a dog run is the needs of your pup. If you have a bigger dog, then a higher and more sturdy fence is needed. For smaller breeds you may be able to get away with a more budget-friendly option.

Which type of fence is best for a dog run, vinyl or wrought iron? 

A private vinyl fence is typically the best choice for a dog because it is easy to clean and blocks the dog’s view from the outside. If your pup especially likes to bark and growl at passers by, this blockage could be a good addition to stop this aggressive behavior.