
is vinyl the same as pvc - NorthlandFence

Is Vinyl the Same as PVC

Vinyl and PVC: What’s the Difference? Most of us find ourselves lying in bed at night, conjuring up random questions we simply don’t know the answer to. Who built Stonehenge? Will humans ever step foot on Mars? Or, if you’re like us, what’s the difference between vinyl and PVC fences? Well, we did some research. […]

Vinyl Privacy Fence To Secure Your Hot Tub

Best Hot Tub Privacy Fence

So, you just added a hot tub to your property. Nothing quite hits the spot like a dip in the hot tub after a long, grueling day. However, just throwing a hot tub in your backyard is simply malpractice. You need to protect it from unwanted guests. Not to mention, you probably want a sense […]

lighting ideas

Fence Lighting Ideas

10 Fence Lighting Ideas Are you looking for a way to dress up your beautiful Minnesotan backyard a little bit? Maybe you go outside and feel like things are just a little bare or don’t really speak to your personality. Do you ever want to host a backyard party that goes late into the night, […]

Northlandfence Articleheader Topfencesinmovies

Top 5 Fences In Popular Media

Fences Play a Role in Pop Culture Here at Northland Fence, we like to think we are experts on the subject of fencing. As experts, we certainly take notice when fences are portrayed in popular media, and it happens more than you may think. No, we’re not talking about fencing in the Zorro, sword-fighting sense. […]

fill fence gap

How to Fill Gap Under Vinyl Fence

Vinyl fencing is one of our most popular forms of fencing. This is in large part because it is highly durable, functional, affordable, and attractive. Vinyl fencing is also excellent for providing privacy. Vinyl fences do not rot or break down the way traditional wood fencing does and require very little maintenance. There are many […]

Fence Cleaning

Fence Cleaning

Rusty, Dusty, and Musty: How Can I Clean My Fence? We hate it when our fences start to look like crap! It is so annoying to see mildew, dirt, and grime build up over time, and it drives us crazy! We want to clean it, but you might say to yourself, “I don’t have a […]

history of fenes

The History of Fences

Fences Have a Colorful and Crucial History Sure you’ve got a fence around your backyard, and your neighbor probably does, too. Billions of people across the world have fences that they use every day. People use fences to keep pets and children in their yards, as well as to keep out pests and other potential […]

Fence Landscaping

Fence Landscaping

Fence Landscaping: What Should I Do? You’re prepping for springtime, and you’re thinking about how you want to landscape your fence area. There are two things that are on your mind, though: there aren’t enough ideas, and there are way too many ideas! What should you do? Northland Fence is here to help you with […]

Who Owns Fence

How to Determine Who Owns a Fence

How to Determine Who Owns a Fence In many cases, property ownership is pretty cut and dried. Something constructed on your property belongs to you, and something constructed on your neighbor’s property belongs to them. This, of course, applies to fences. However, since fences are often used to distinguish one person’s property from another’s, it […]

Neighbor Friendly

Neighbor Friendly Fence

Neighbor-Friendly Fences A neighbor-friendly fence, often referred to as a “Good Neighbor Fence,” is really just a term used to describe a fence that divides your property from your neighbor’s property. A friendly neighbor fence also typically looks the same on both sides, instead of the common practice where planks of a privacy fence may […]