Best Fence For Rabbits

Best Fence For Rabbits

Many people throughout Minnesota own a variety of animals, from cattle to dogs. Most animals, if not kept indoors, have a fenced-in area that they can use outside. There are many types of fences available to best suit the needs of whatever animal you may own. However, it’s important to pick the right kind of fencing for your animal’s needs. For example, barbed wire fencing might work great for cattle, but it could injure your dog if they tried to crawl under it. Chicken wire can work great for poultry, but some goats might push it right over. This is why there are so many options available for fencing, so you can find one that fits.

Here at Northland Fence, we have over 15 years of experience in the field of fencing. We know all about the different types of fencing as well as what works best for what. We’re happy to share this knowledge with you so that you can find the right fence for your project. We’ve been asked many questions over the years. Because we can’t tackle every question in one blog post, today we’re going to be looking at the best fence for rabbits.

Why You Should Have Good Rabbit Fencing

Rabbits are a well-known critter, whether you have them in your yard on purpose or not, let’s look at the reasons why you should have proper fencing to keep rabbits where you want them.

For those of us with dogs and gardens, keeping rabbits out of the yard can be important for the livelihood of both. You want to protect your crops from being eaten by someone other than you, and you don’t want your dog to chase and maybe kill a creature that will likely end up on your porch as a “gift.”

If you have rabbits of your own, making sure you have proper fencing for them helps keep your rabbits alive and well. A proper fence should not only contain your rabbits but keep potential predators from getting to them as well.

Installing a Rabbit-Proof Fence

Whether you’re trying to keep rabbits out or in, knowing the best fence for the job is your first step. There are many fencing options available, so let’s look at some of the pros and cons of each.

Vinyl Fencing

Vinyl fencing is a very strong and secure option for any type of yard. It doesn’t have gaps and can’t be climbed over by small critters. It also ensures that no one can see into your yard and that those inside of your yard (like perhaps a prey-driven dog) can’t see out. There is still a chance for burrowing under the fence, depending on how it’s installed as most vinyl fence panels don’t go into the ground.

Additionally, vinyl fencing is a great option overall due to its longevity and easy maintenance. It’s the only fence material that we offer a lifetime warranty on due to how much we trust it to withstand the test of time.

Steel Fencing

Ornamental steel fencing is a very popular choice due to its design and durability. It can keep out most critters, but rabbits come in various sizes. Smaller ones might still be able to slip through the gaps, and they can also burrow. Depending on the fence installation, they could still get under it.

Chain Link Fencing

Chain link fencing is the most affordable option for homeowners while still providing a property division and security for your home. Here at Northland Fence, we take the additional step to coat our chain link in vinyl in order to increase its lifespan. It can also add a boost to its appearance, making it a sleek black.

While some creatures might be able to climb chain links, most rabbits will be unable to. Depending on your fence installation, they could still burrow underneath it.

Does Poultry Fencing Work Well For Rabbits, Too?

If you own rabbits, you might wonder if chicken wire, or poultry fencing, would be workable for containing your rabbits. Luckily, things like chicken wire can work just as well for rabbits as they can for chickens. The best-determining factors for a rabbit fence are more in regards to their height, depth, sturdiness, and ability to keep out predators. As chickens can often have the same dangers as rabbits, the two can overlap very well.

When installing a poultry fence for your rabbits, make sure you are prepared to bury it in the ground and you have proper stakes to ensure it’s well supported. Let’s talk more about the height needs for a food rabbit enclosure.

The Heights Requirements For Rabbit Fences

There are a couple of things you need to keep in mind when you try to find the right options for your rabbits. Not only can they jump, but they can also burrow. If you plan to not have a roof on their enclosure, your fence should be at least 3 feet tall.

Additionally, rabbits are well known for their ability to dig, too. Bury your fence at least 2 feet under the ground for best results.

Finally, it’s always important to keep in mind any predators that might try to get to your rabbits. If your rabbits are fenced in within another fenced-in yard, you’re most likely fine. If their fence is their only protection, make sure it’s stable so that it can’t be easily pushed over or climbed.

Having Northland Fence Install Your Fence

When you’re looking to get a new fence installed, Northland Fence has you covered. With over 15 years of experience in the field, our family-owned business is intimately familiar with the fencing industry right here in Minnesota. We’ve worked hard to build a business that not only treats its customers like family but its employees, too. This helps ensure that our customers receive the best experience and installation possible.

All of our employees are in-house, meaning that they know our standards and how to uphold them. We never hire out to contractors, and we even pay our employees during the down season.

We also utilize our years of experience and connections to find the best quality materials at the lowest price, which we transfer directly to our customers and their final bill. We’re fully upfront with our estimates and never tack anything on at the end. We also have many financing options to ensure you get the fence you truly want and deserve.

While we don’t offer to install chicken fences, we do offer a selection of chain link, ornamental steel, and vinyl fencing. If you have any questions about our fence installation process, don’t hesitate to give us a call at (763) 316-4881.

Northland Fence installation

FAQs About Installing A Fence

What should be the height of a rabbit fence?

In order to keep your rabbits in, you should make sure your fence is at least 3 feet tall and buried 2 feet into the ground.

What is the cheapest way to build a rabbit fence?

Chicken wire can be used for a rabbit enclosure, but you still need to ensure it has proper support and is tall enough for your needs.

Can rabbits damage a plastic or wire fence?

While rabbits can have a habit of chewing on things, you won’t know for sure if your rabbits can damage it until you install the fence. Keep a close eye on them after installation and make sure you also provide them with proper things to chew on instead.