Fence Installation Contractors Zimmerman, MN

Getting a Fence in Zimmerman, MN

Fence installation in Zimmerman, MN should only be done after all of the rules are considered in alignment with your prospective fence. The fence will not be the only aspect examined. How to gain permission or pick a legal spot to erect it is just as important.

Do not forget to find a fence that fits your needs, and have a construction backed by the top-rated fencing company in Minnesota, Northland Fence.

Do I need my property pins exposed?

Can I build my fence on an easement?

Where can I place my fence on the property?

Do I need to notify my neighbors when getting a fence?

What is the good neighbor rule and does it apply for my fence?

Is your neighbor required to pay for a shared fence line?

Do I need a fence permit?

Who calls the utilities when installing my fence?

Do I need a survey before installing a fence?

What should I do if I live on a corner lot?

What are the requirements of installing a fence around a swimming pool (above ground and in ground)?

What is the height restrictions on a fence?

Are there any design restrictions?

How do I choose a fence?

Know Your Property

The area you refer to as home, can have many details you are unaware of. This knowledge of the boundaries, and nay underground utility lines is how to find a safe placement. It can also be up to where your projected fence path leads and if any public property is in the way.

Do I need my property pins exposed?

Precisely in the corners of the lot are property pins, or long metal stakes. Having them visible will give physical representation that the fence installation in Zimmerman is kept to your property. Northland Fence needs them exposed for liability reasons. Their Certified Surveyor can examine the land and replace any missing pins.

Can I install a boundary fence?

Boundary fences are built on the line dividing two lots. These structures are made out of an agreement by both parties, who will share costs and future care of the barrier.

If one neighbor builds on the property line, it is illegal to not be in agreement with the other land owner.

Can I build my fence on an easement?

Easement areas should be avoided when plotting your fence location if possible. Fences that block access to or proper work on an easement may be damaged or removed by the fence user.

Repairs will be will be at the expense of the owner and never the rightful user of the easement.

Where can I place my fence on the property?

Property owners are required to accurately locate property lines prior to construction to ensure their fence is placed at least 1 foot from the property line to avoid property disputes. If neighbors sign an agreement of mutual consent, fences may be built directly on the property line.

Know Your Neighbors

Having your neighbors on the same page is not a necessity in the process, but can lead to the reward of a tension-less community. Hostility can appear over surprise barrier construction. Some scenarios force you to legally gain neighbors permission, as well.

Do I need to notify my neighbors when getting a fence?

Construction on your property that is at the allowed setback, does not need to be told to neighbors by tcity law. It is still wise to let them know the details. This could even bring about conversations of a boundary fence.

Always get written permission if you need access to a fellow property owner’s land during the building period. Their consent needs given for hooking a fence to their fence.

What is the good neighbor rule and does it apply for my fence?

All areas of your property and structures on it fall under the Good Neighbor Rule. You must care for your belongings so the neighborhood shines along with your land. Fence maintenance is not just about appearances, but a dilapidated fence is dangerous. That is why it is vital to perform any repairs in a timely manner.

Let this rule carry over to shared fences and always follows all of the care guidelines you agreed on when constructing the fence together.

Is your neighbor required to pay for a sharing fence line?

Maintenance and repairs of a fence need performed by both parties if it is on a shared property line. This fence could have been priory built, and still belong to both adjoining owners.

The decision to erect a boundary fence is serious and will need to be a written agreement with maintenance and costs laid out for the future. All alterations to a shared fence will need approved by both parties.

Know The Details

Fences need to be erected only after they are approved by the city. Some fences, depending on the height may not need to have a permit, but always know what your certain situation will require you to do. Further information is available at Zimmerman City Hall if you have even more particular situations on your land.

Do I need a fence permit?

Zimmerman only requires property owner to receive a fence permit when constructing a design greater than 7 feet. Since there is no permit, the owner is fully responsible for ensuring the structure is placed properly and up to code. When a permit is required, a detailed site plan will also need to be included detailing the fence design and placement.

Who calls the utilities when installing my fence?

Utility lines run underground, and to locate them call Gopher State One. A self-installer is in charge of this, but the task can be smoothly completed during a fence installation in Zimmerman by Northland Fence.

Do I need a survey before installing a fence?

Even when a permit is required, only a detailed site plan is required, not necessarily a certificate of survey. A certified surveyor may be needed if property pins are missing or broken. This is also the best way to ensure an accurate site plan including the individual variances of your property that need special attention.

What are the requirements of installing a fence around a swimming pool (above ground and in ground)?

Pools require a safety fence surrounding the area as an additional layer of protection for children. Pool fences are required to use a climb resistant design, which means it must be at least 4 feet in height and have no footholds or gaps greater than 4 inches. Gates that access the area must be locked when the area is unsupervised and must also be equipped with self closing hinges and latches.

What should I do if I live on a corner lot?

Corner lot owners are restricted from building within a visibility triangle located at the property corner nearest a street or railroad right of way intersection. This area is measured 25 feet along each property line front the corner. Remember the property corner will likely have a setback from the curb lines.

Know The Appearance

The aesthetic of your land will extend to the style of fence you choose. The material and height of this structure must follow codes from the state and city. There are even further rules specific subdivisions or covenants could contain about the colors your fence should be.

What is the height restrictions on a fence?

Zimmerman, MN allows a higher fence than average at 8 feet in the side and rear yards of a property. However, in the front yard the limit is reduced to 4 feet. Keep in mind a fence will require a permit if it is taller than 7 feet.

Are there any design restrictions?

Property owners constructing a fence are required to use only quality weather resistant materials and designs. Safety is a key concern, so designs such as electric or barbed wire fences are not permitted. Maintenance will also be required to keep your fence in both a safe and visually pleasing condition. Structural supports should always be faced inwards so that neighboring properties or the public see the finished side.

How do I choose a fence?

The expectation you have for this addition of a barrier should should in the style it is made. For an open feel, with plenty of visibility, a vinyl picket fence can give a beautiful design to any home. Property is protected by the classic ornamental steel fences that can last through all season.

Find a fencing company in Zimmerman that truly knows the differences between the functions of fences can help guide you through the various designs.

It’s The Law

Do not look past the rules on fence installation in Zimmerman if you want to have a successful experience. Breaking laws will result in legal repercussions including fines, and if the fence needs deconstructed it will be done from your own pocket.

Northland Fence has a knowledgeable staff that is dedicated to making each new construction as excellent as the last.

It's the Law

Understanding how to properly and legally install your fence is the beginning step in the entire process. While it is not as fun as choosing colors or designs, laws must be considered. Follow the specific regulations for the Zimmerman community and choose a quality fence for a successful installation experience.

Find out why our fence company is Minnesota’s highest reviewed!