7 Things You Should Know About Fence Installation

A Long New Fence On New Property Development

Fence installation might not be as complicated as building a house or installing a pool, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some important factors that you need to be aware of. You can’t just start putting up fencing and digging ditches without prior preparation and research.

Most importantly you need to consult the regulations that govern your area and check with our team as to what is and isn’t possible before you start the project.

You Must Follow Local Regulations

Some customers seem to think that because fencing is a relatively small construction project they don’t need to worry about local regulations. You don’t have free reign, and if you ignore your local regulations, it’s possible that you will be required to tear down your new fencing without reimbursement.

To prevent this from happening and to, therefore, save yourself money in the long run, you should consult your counties regulations regarding fencing. They will vary from area to area, even within the state, so it’s vital that you read those that apply specifically to the location in which you live.

These regulations will explain where you can have fencing, what height the fence can be at certain points and whether you need to apply for permits or undergo any testing or checks. Don’t risk it, check the regulation before you do anything else.

Posts Need to Go At Least 2 Feet Deep

When we install the posts into the ground, they need to go at least 2 feet deep to provide a stable anchor that can hold the weight of each panel as well as any force applied to it. This depth might not seem like much, but if you have sewage tanks, piping or hard rock in your backyard, you need to be aware of their locations before we start digging.

To check for objects under the ground, you should consult the plans for your house which should explain where things are located. Similarly, you’ll need to know exactly where your land ends and your neighbors begin so that you don’t encroach and aren’t forced to tear it down.

It’s Not Instant

Before we start a project, it’s important that you recognize that putting up a fence isn’t instant. If you need a long fence or have particularly tough ground, it can take multiple days, especially in busier months when we might not be able to send a large team.

Recognizing that this isn’t an instant project is key to ensuring that both your family and our team are happy during the process and with the final result.

You Need a Professional

Putting up a small or simple fence could be possible if you have some DIY experience, but vinyl and metal fences are a different deal. We use pneumatic drivers and other heavy machinery that you don’t have access to drive the poles deep into the ground where they will be effective in holding weight and protecting against force.

Correct Gap Distance

If you are installing a fence for security reasons or preventing your children or pets from getting out, you need to be careful with the distance between poles on a wrought iron fence. Children and animals can fit through seemingly minuscule gaps and sneak off without your knowledge.

Having installed countless fences for security, we know exactly how to space the materials, and as long as you let us know who will be using the yard, we can adjust the plans to keep them safe.

Different Materials Require Different Installation

Not all types of fencing are made alike. Installing a vinyl fence is very different to installing a chain-link fence, not only concerning the material itself but also with the methods used and the time that is needed.

The Season Matters

It is possible to install one on practically any day of the year, but certain seasons are superior to others. Typically we are busiest during the summer and spring months because it’s warm outside and families want to install a fence before their kids are on summer vacation.

On the other hand, winter makes it particularly tough. The ground freezes, and this can make it nearly impossible to dig deep enough in a reasonable time frame. But fall is a great time because the lack of foliage makes it easier to prune plants and trees that are in the way.

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